We have a variety of advanced instrumentation available for Physical Chemistry and nanoscale science experiments.
Custom measurement configurations are possible for UV/Vis. Each measurement needs a light source, sample holder, and spectrometer.
Wavelength range: 300 - 880 nm
Spectrum acquisition time: 0.01 - 1 s
Special capabilities: Fast (< 1 minute / temperature step) variable temperature measurements, spectroelectrochemistry
Light Source: DT1000 Deuterium / Halogen lamps
Spectrometer: Ocean Optics CCD Spectrometer
Wavelength range: 200 - 1100 nm
Spectrum acquisition time: 10-60 s
Special capabilities: Variable temperature measurements possible (~3 minutes / temperature step)
Experiments: Standard electrochemical experiments
Voltage output: ±4 V Current ranges: ±100 mA, ±5 mA, ±200 µA, ±10 µA Current resolution: 40 nA (at what noise bandwidth)
See the user guide for a full list of specifications.
Experiments: Standard electrochemical experiments, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Voltage output: ±14 V Current ranges: ±2 A, ±200 mA, ±20 mA, ±2 mA, ±200 µA, ±20 µA, ±2 µA, ±200 nA Current noise:
See the manual for a full list of specifications.